consciousnessmoving meditation

a moving meditation for the Digital Age

By December 22, 2018 No Comments

7flow is really quite simple. We teamed up with DJ Taz Rashid to develop a soundtrack that activates and integrates all the varying frequencies occurring in your body. All you have to do to move into harmony is show up, stay focused on your breath, and keep moving while being open to feeling different sensations flowing through your body.

And that’s really what makes #the7flow different. We’re not here trying to bootcamp anyone, or make you learn special yoga poses or dance moves. We just want to make it easy for all of us take a step back from our screens to reconnect with our bodies and sync back up to the highest energy flowing from the level of our hearts.

Because if we all tried speaking and living from the energy of our hearts, even just a little bit more, I mean… can you imagine how the world would shift?

We can imagine it.

And we’d love for you to imagine it too. And then we’d love to encourage you to try it. Take a moment (maybe even now) to just breathe and feel the steady flow of energy emanating through your heart.

We put together a 21-minute preview of 7flow that includes a guided meditation if you’d like to try it out.

try it now